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Empowered by Positivity

Knowing Who You Are and Who You Can Become
- A Life Skills Course (with Jerald Simon)

This is an 8 Week Live Skills Course for Adults

This course ​Starts February 5th, 2024
and goes until March 25th, 2024

This is an introductory one time payment of $49.95
(which includes all PDF books and 8 weeks of live sessions)
You can purchase this course by scrolling to the bottom of the page.

​Future live courses taught will be $149.95 per person for the 8 week live course.



Who Do You Want to Become?

Before you set goals...learn how to schedule success. Before you change jobs, careers, or make any life changing must first learn the "Formula for Success."

There are five simple stepping stones for success we will discuss and go over in greater detail during this 8 week long live course:

  • Step 1: Believe in Yourself
  • Step 2: Create a Game Plan for Yourself! This is your roadmap.
  • Step 3: Invest in Yourself!
  • Step 4: Dedicate Yourself! (Dedication) - Pay the Price!
  • Step 5: Never Give Up on Yourself! - Perseverance (Reassess, Reevaluate, Reexamine, Repair, and Restore)

Success is different for everyone! True success, whether it be spiritual, intellectual, social or physical, means something entirely personal to everyone. Someone, let's say, who may be financially successful, but has been divorced multiple times and has a broken family, may feel extremely unsuccessful even though they have amassed a large financial fortune. They may view someone else who is happily married, but may be struggling financially, as a very successful individual and would even be willing to trade much, if not all of their financial success, to be successful in relationships as well. Many would give anything to have a good relationship with their spouse and children. The same can be said of someone who is trying to be healthy, lose weight, get an education, choose a major, get a job, or a career, of a lifestyle. These same stepping stones for success apply to any situation in life.

True success is striving to be the best version of ourselves and intentionally living the life we were born to live. It is doing what we say we will do and following our dreams, believing in ourselves and working on being better today than we were yesterday.  

In this course, you will learn the three simple steps of 1. Dreaming, 2. Planning and Preparing, and 3. GOING to WORK! This will help you get the results you hope for, and continually exceed even your own pre-conceived expectations. It's wonderful to continually outdo yourself and challenge yourself to progress, improve, and live the lifestyle you've always dreamed of living.

This is more than setting and achieving goals, which are great in the beginning, but often create more problems instead of allowing for real growth and change.

This course focuses on starting the journey of transforming your life and helping you become who you were born to be. This means we must focus on a complete lifestyle change. It is the process of transforming your thoughts, words, and actions from those of enslaving to empowering, from negativity and darkness, to positivity and light. It is the transition from, what I refer to as, "leaving behind the Apathetic Axiom, and ascending to the Motivation Matrix."

In this 8 Week Live Course for adults, I (Jerald Simon) teach the adult group virtually through ZOOM once a week for one hour every Monday evening from 6:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. for two months. There is also a teen group that is taught on Mondays during the day from 1:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M. This course is taught on Mondays to help mentees start their week off on the right foot and follow a carefully created road map that allows students to schedule the steps they need to take to help them on their road to success. Each live training session is recorded so attendees can re-watch the video within the course portal at a later time, if they are unable to attend the live session.

I provide daily and weekly motivational messages, poetry, videos, and encouragement with practical steps to apply everything being taught. Course attendees learn how to create their own "Personal Dream Map," and how to implement "Macro and Micro Goals" as simple "Stepping Stones for Success." Everyone in the course will also be able to create their own "Personal Mission in Life Mission Statement," and will understand what it means to be "In the Habit of Forming Habits."

I include the following in the course (from my new book, "BEING AND BECOMING WHO YOU WERE BORN TO BE" - which everyone who joins the course will receive as a PDF book in April, 2024. You will also be able to pre-order the book and will receive an autographed copy of the book if you pre-order it):


  • Who Are You? (And WHO do you want to be and become?)
  • YOU Are Uniquely Original
  • BORN for GREATNESS (starting with the first steps toward success) - If Only You Believe
  • In Search of Happiness and a Sense of Purpose (What is Your Life's Mission)
  • What Does Success Look Like for You? - Be Your Own Success Story (What are Your Aspirations?)
  • ​Stepping Stones for Success - Discovering Where You Are and Where You Ultimately Want to Be
  • ​The Apathetic Axiom and The MOTIVATION MATRIX - The 5 Areas of Motivation
  • Success Habits for a Richer Life - How to Schedule SUCCESS! - Life Changing Habits Everyone Should Learn - Creating Your Own Personal Progress Plan
  • Work is WONDERFUL! (Learning to appreciate the gift of hard work, sacrifice, and commitment)
  • You Can Do Difficult Things!
  • Befriending Failure (Failure is Your Friend) - Do Not Dwell on Defeat
  • When We Fall Down...We Get Back Up
  • Planning and Preparing for Whatever Life Brings Your Way (Preparation Paves the Way for Success)
  • Put in the Time (Dedication and Discipline) Time is a Rare Commodity
  • Get Going on Your Goals - Goals, Guts, and Greatness (Going for the GOLD)
  • The World at Your Fingertips...
  • SELF DISCIPLINE - How to Understand and Follow Principles - Learning Principles
  • GOOD HABITS - How to Learn and Develop Skills - Learning Skills
  • A MORAL COMPASS - How to Define and Live by Our Values - Learning Values
  • We Need More Peace and Positivity
  • Being Better Today Than We Were Yesterday (and Being a little Better Tomorrow than We are Today) - People Are Doing the Best They Can
  • The Art of Listening
  • Obstacles are Opportunities
  • You Are What You Read

I can't wait to have you join my "Empowered by Positivity - Knowing Who You Are and Who You Can Become" Life Skills Course with Jerald Simon!

​I am so happy to have you be a part of this eight week live coaching program and can't wait to see your personal progress and you become who you were born to be.

After you purchase this course, the first thing you will need to do is download the PDF books included within this course. There are five PDF books included within this course, and a sixth one on the way (you will automatically have access to all of the PDF books when you sign up for this course and will have access to the PDF copy of my new book, Being and Becoming Who You Were Born to Be - which will be released in April).

You will have instant access to each of the following books in PDF format (you can also upgrade your order to purchase the paperback versions of these books for your own collection).


440 pages
​(A Daily Personal Success Goal Book)

216 pages
​(Motivational perceptions and stories)


154 pages
(222 motivational poems)

160 pages
(153 motivational poems)

Here is the outline for this 8 week life skills coaching program:

Week 1: DISCOVER WHO YOU ARE (GETTING TO KNOW YOURSELF) and learning who you can and will become. – Students write out an entire page describing who they are, including their beliefs, talents, interests, and who they would like to be. This is the discovery process where we have an honest conversation with ourselves about who have been, who we are, and who we would like to be and become. 

Week 2: WHAT IS MY PERSONAL MISSION IN LIFE? WHAT IS MY LIFE PLAN? Describe the “You” you want to Be! – Students discuss and find out what their own personal mission in life is and what they feel, at this moment, they would like to do to make a difference in their home, their community, and their life. Discovering or realizing what their personal mission in life is, helps them to have a better understanding of what they would like to do for a career, what lifestyle they would like to have, and what their purpose in life is and will be. It gives them a sense of direction, and an outline of what they personally feel they can do to contribute to life.

Week 3: Formula for success (1. Dream, 2. Plan and Prepare, 3. Go to work) – You learn about GOING FOR YOUR GOALS (students are taught what goals are, how to create their own Dream Map, and create Macro and Micro goals they will accomplish TODAY, this week, month, and year). The daily and weekly timelines (scheduling success) help you prioritize and place importance on which aspirations and goals you will focus on FIRST.  

Week 4: Positively Positive Thinking Power (why thinking positively is so powerful!) – Students learn about how their thoughts and words affect them and those around them. Students create a “SELF TALK” Statement of Positivity for themselves that they can read each day for one month to remind them how wonderful they are.

Week 5: Learning: 1. Skills, 2. Principles, and 3. Values by developing: 1. Good Habits, 2. Self Discipline, 3. A Moral Compass. After accomplishing our Formula for Success (1. Dream, 2 Plan and Prepare, and 3 Go to Work!), we must then increase our ability by developing skills, following correct principles, and determining which values we will implement into our lives on a daily basis. By developing skills, following correct principles, and deciding which values we will live by each day, we must learn good habits, self discipline, and maintain our own guiding moral compass. This will not only give us direction, focus, and clarity, it will help us envision who we were born to be. We will become that individual because we already are successful, we just need to give ourselves permission to see ourselves in a brighter light of hope, peace, and positivity.

Week 6: The Power of Knowledge - Reading for life! Students receive a list of 100 books I believe everyone should read. Students also receive an additional list of 100+ books to read that have been compiled by others. The students are encouraged to create their own list as well and set their own reading goals. One goal we establish is that they will read at least one book per week for the rest of their lives. If they can read more than one book, all the better, but we emphasize reading at least one book per week - every week. We talk about the importance of scheduling reading time and how to make time for our own personal development, improvement, and overall success in life.

Week 7: Identifying Personal Strengths and Weaknesses (how to make your strengths stronger and turn your weaknesses into strengths). This is the time to break free from your weaknesses. Our weaknesses are essentially gifts and opportunities for growth and change. Our failures are some of the greatest stepping stones toward success we could ever be given in life. We must learn how to befriend failure and see our missteps, mistakes, and misguided mayhem in life as a personal asset and strength. Our weakness becomes our strength and we continually become stronger (spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially). We can learn to assess and re-assess what is and is not working in our lives. We all fall short of the person we want to be. We always will. We all feel, at times, as if we don’t measure up — and we all have moments where we honestly don’t. We are better than that, and can turn our weaknesses into great strengths!

Week 8: Learning and Living by VIRTUES (students discuss which virtues they personally would like to live by and set goals about focusing on daily virtues throughout the year). A list of virtues is provided and students can select which virtues they would like to work on each day, during the week, each month, and throughout the year. This focus on “Living by Virtues” will change the way we see the world and how we act, what we think, how we speak, and what we choose to do each day. As we continue to focus on virtues day by day, we will see our lives changing because we are changing. This will empower us to be the best version of ourselves, and as we are empowered, we will be able to empower others with peace and positivity.

In the next 8 weeks, we will go over lessons to learn, how to begin dream mapping your way toward accomplishing your goals, discovering who you are and who you can become, and much more. I'm excited for everyone to start their steps toward success!


Here are some motivational videos I have created to inspire and motivate you!
​These feature motivational messages I have created and original music I have composed.

Today is YOUR day!

Be Good. Be Great. Be Gorious!

Get Back in the Game of Life!

Be Good. Be Great. Be Gorious!

Empowered by Positivity

Introductory Price: $49.95 - This is an 8 week live course taught through ZOOM. With your purchase, you will be able to attend the 8 week live course. The weekly sessions will be recorded if you are unable to attend for any reason. In addition to the weekly live motivational/inspirational sessions, you will also receive the PDF downloads of the five motivational/inspirational books listed above: 1. Who Are You? Your Personal Success Goal book (Discover who you really are and who you can become!), 2. Perceptions, Parables, and Pointers, 3. The 'As If' Principle (motivational poetry), 4. Poetry that Motivates, and 5. Motivation in a Minute (book 1).

If you would like to upgrade your order, you can add on the paperback versions of the books for an optional one time additional payment of $49.95 (includes FREE shipping) and we will ship them out to you. You can then upgrade your order to become one of Jerald's Customers for Life to have access to every PDF book and course Jerald has created past, present, and future - including all music books and courses for learning to play piano). This is an optional one time upgrade of $319.95. You will also receive the PDF book of Jerald's new book, "Being and Becoming Who You Were Born to Be."  You will also be able to pre-order an autographed paperback book which will be sent to you at the end of the 8 week course.

*Important: This email is where your login information will be sent.


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Hourly Piano Lesson with Jerald Simon
One on One Individual Piano Lesson with Jerald Simon (per hour)
Purchase an individual hourly lesson to have a one on one piano lesson with Jerald Simon through ZOOM.
COOL SONGS Series Course (single use license)
Purchase the entire COOL SONGS Series Course single use license (Over 4 years worth of piano lessons – 163 COOL SONGS complete with video lessons and accompaniment MP3 minus tracks) for a one time payment of $49.95 – You’ll have lifetime access to all of the COOL SONGS in the series (piano teachers will also be able to upgrade their single use license to a lifetime piano teacher studio license if they’d like to when checking out – keep scrolling down below to learn more).
Essential Piano Exercises Series (PDF download)
Essential Piano Exercises Series (single use license)
Buy the Essential Piano Exercises Series as a PDF download which includes four books:

100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon
Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon
Essential Jazz Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon
Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon
Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon
Poetry that Motivates Series (PDF download of the series)
Poetry that Motivates by Jerald Simon
BUY the PDF versions of my Jerald Simon's Poetry books, "The 'As If' Principle" (motivational poetry), and "Poetry that Motivates," in one PDF bundle! We will also include Jerald's PDF books, "Perceptions, Parables, and Pointers," and "Who Are You? - Your Personal Success Goal Book" in your order for FREE.
Essential Piano Teachers Lifetime Studio License (PDF books, courses, videos, etc.)
Essential Piano Teachers Lifetime Studio License
This includes the Essential Piano Exercises and COOL SONGS PDF Series/Courses by Music Mentor Jerald Simon and 30+ PDF books (all studio licensed for piano teachers)! Buy once for a special pricing of $169.97 and print out the music for the students in your piano studio for life. It also includes every future PDF books or online course Jerald creates during his entire life. (This does not include private lessons, online group piano lessons, physical products, in person events, or mentoring/mastermind groups).
Essential Piano Exercises Course - Lifetime Access
Essential Piano Exercises Series Course - Lifetime Access
The Essential Piano Exercises Course gives you the video lessons for each of the books in the Essential Piano Exercises series plus you will be able to attend a live monthly group piano lesson Jerald teaches on the first Friday of every month in a private Facebook group that is only for members of the Essential Piano Exercises Course. You will have lifetime access to these videos (past, present, and future). By joining this course, you also receive all of Jerald's books as PDF downloads. Everyone who purchases this course will also have access to 10 additional PDF books in the series that have yet to be created (plus the video lessons for those books).
The Apprentice Stage (weekly online group piano lessons)
$3.95 for 5 days then $6.95 / month
The APPRENTICE STAGE (beginner to early intermediate level)
The Maestro Stage (weekly online group piano lessons)
The Maestro Stage (weekly group online piano lessons)
The Maestro Stage (intermediate level)
The Virtuoso Stage (weekly online group piano lessons)
The Virtuoso Stage (weekly group online piano lessons)
The Virtuoso Stage (late intermediate – advanced)
100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (Single Use License PDF download)
100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon
100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know (Play the Same Song 100 Different Ways) by Music Mentor Jerald Simon, is one of the books from the Music Motivation® Series.

This book was created to help piano students of all ages and skill levels learn how to improvise and arrange music of their own. The 100 left hand patterns introduced in this book can help piano students, piano teachers, and music professionals take their piano playing to the next level by learning how to play the same song 100 different ways.
Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (Single Use License PDF download)
Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (PDF download)
Jerald presents the exercises in book format and also includes video format with a side and top view to demonstrate the hand position, fingering, and technique needed to play the scales and chords correctly – in all keys and in all inversions. He also explains what to do with the knowledge they have acquired and how to take their piano playing to the next level. Learning the theory is good – knowing what to do with the theory is the practical application where Jerald demonstrates how to use music theory to arrange, improvise, compose, and create music of your own.
Essential Jazz Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (Single Use License PDF download)
Essential Jazz Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (PDF download)
Essential Jazz Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know is a must have book for all piano players – especially for those interested in playing jazz music. Essential Jazz Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know is a book everyone can use to improve their understanding of jazz basics, blues scales, the ii-V-I chord progressions, modal jazz improv, other fun jazz chord progressions, and more. Essential Jazz Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know was created as one of the resources for the members of the Essential Piano Exercises Course ( This book is dedicated to the many piano students, young and old, who have asked Jerald Simon over the years to release a book with all of the jazz piano exercises he feels are essential to help pianists learn how to improvise, arrange, and even compose in a jazz style.
Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (Single Use License PDF download)
Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know – PDF download
Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know is a must have book for all piano players – especially for those interested in playing new age music.
Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know is a book everyone can use to improve their understanding of new age basics, including left hand new age patterns, chord progressions, how to arrange, improvise, and compose in a New Age style, and learn original new age compositions for intermediate level piano students.
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (Primer Level) by Jerald Simon
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (Primer Level) by Jerald Simon - (PDF download)
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (Primer Level) features 21 fun and Cool sounding piano pieces composed specifically for beginning pre-teen and teenage piano students – especially teenage boys. Each of these Cool Songs were composed by Jerald Simon during actual piano lessons with many of his own teenage piano students to help motivate and inspire them to learn music theory the fun way – through original Cool Songs.
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (Book 1) by Jerald Simon
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (Book 1) by Jerald Simon - (PDF download)
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (book 1) features 21 fun and Cool sounding piano pieces composed specifically for teenage piano students – especially teenage boys. Each of these Cool Songs were composed by Jerald Simon during actual piano lessons with many of his own teenage piano students to help motivate and inspire them to learn music theory the fun way – through original Cool Songs.
Cool songs for Cool Kids (Book 2) by Jerald Simon
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (Book 2) by Jerald Simon - PDF download
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (book 2) features 21 fun and Cool sounding early intermediate – intermediate level piano pieces composed specifically for teenage piano students – especially teenage boys. Each of these Cool Songs were composed by Jerald Simon during actual piano lessons with many of his own teenage piano students to help motivate and inspire them to learn music theory the fun way – through original Cool Songs.
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (Book 3) by Jerald Simon - PDF download (single use license)
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (Book 3) by Jerald Simon - (PDF download)
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (book 3) features 10 fun and Cool sounding piano pieces composed specifically for teenage piano students – especially teenage boys. Each of these Cool Songs were composed by Jerald Simon during actual piano lessons with many of his own teenage piano students to help motivate and inspire them to learn music theory the fun way – through original Cool Songs.
Cool Songs that ROCK! by Jerald Simon - (PDF download)
Cool Songs that ROCK! by Jerald Simon - (PDF download)
Cool sounding rock and pop piano pieces composed specifically for teenage piano students – especially teenage boys. Each of these Cool Songs were composed by Jerald Simon during actual piano lessons with many of his own teenage piano students to help motivate and inspire them to learn music theory the fun way – through original Cool Songs.

Dedicated to the rocker within each of us who enjoys fun, cool, pop and rock rhythms. Rock on piano students (and, of course, piano teachers)! You are rock stars!

The seven cool rock and pop piano solos in this book are:

1. Rock ON!
2. Ace In the Hole
3. Crowd Surfing
4. Jam Session
5. Revolution Rewind
6. Tecno-ology
7. Urban Fusion

This is a single use license.
Peace and Serenity by Jerald Simon - (PDF download)
Peace and Serenity by Jerald Simon - (PDF download)
Peace and Serenity by Jerald Simon is book of 10 original new age compositions composed to reduce stress and anxiety. It is a must have book for all piano players – especially for those interested in playing new age music.
Castles in the Sky by Jerald Simon (PDF download)
Castles in the Sky by Jerald Simon - (PDF download)
The piano music is perfect for piano teachers, piano students, and anyone who wants to play gentle, peaceful, and relaxing piano music. You can listen to the album for “Castles in the Sky” on any streaming site including iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora, iHeart radio, YouTube, and all other streaming sites and music stores.
Getting Started with the Piano (basics for beginning students)
Getting Started with the Piano (basics for beginners)
This is a four-week introduction pre-recorded course to the piano course for brand new beginning students before they enter the apprentice stage. After the 4 week course is finished, they will be able to advance to
Empowered by Positivity (Who Are You? Course) by Jerald Simon (for Adults)
Empowered by Positivity - Who Are You? Course with Jerald Simon
Empowered by Positivity Life Skills Course by Jerald Simon is an 8 week course where Jerald helps individuals "Become who they were born to BE!" It is about being better today than we were yesterday and continually striving to be our best in everything we do.
Essential Piano Exercises Spiral Bound Bundle Set
Essential Piano Exercises Spiral Bound Set
Buy the Essential Piano Exercises Series as a PDF download which includes five books:

100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon
Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon
Essential Jazz Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon
Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon
Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon

You will also receive the spiral bound version of Cool Songs for Cool Kids (book 1) by Jerald Simon
Poetry that Motivates Series
Poetry that Motivates by Jerald Simon (Paperback Series)
The Poetry that Motivates Series contains 4 paperback motivational/inspirational books written by Jerald Simon.

1. Poetry that Motivates
2. The "As If" Principle (motivational poetry)
3. Perceptions, Parables, and Pointers
4. Who Are You? - Your Personal Success Goal Book
I Want to Do What Jesus Taught by Jerald Simon
This PDF book features 40 original primary songs composed for children to teach them religious principles and values centered on Jesus Christ and our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

The themes I have tried to focus on in this PDF book primarily highlight and feature Jesus Christ and His teachings. Of course, as Jesus said in the Holy Bible, He only did what His Father in Heaven wanted. He went about doing good. He always did the Father’s will.

Jesus is, without reservation, the most important exemplary role model we can follow. If we will pattern our own lives after His, and if we will try to learn His teachings and follow His perfect example, we will be strengthened and helped from on high. We are not perfect, nor will we ever be perfect here in mortality, but we have a perfect example and guide to help us on our way. I know as we learn about Jesus and try to become more Christ-like in how we speak, what we watch, do, listen to, and how we treat others, that we can have His influence watching over us and guiding us in everything we do. It will change the way we see the world around us. It will change how we behave and what we do and even who we become. It will have an everlasting impact on how we speak, what we watch for entertainment, the friends we choose to hang out with and what we do with those friends when we are with them.
Wintertide by Jerald Simon
Wintertide by Jerald Simon
In this book there are 10 original new age/contemporary classical piano solos for advanced piano students.

I hope you enjoy playing these pieces. All of these original piano solos were composed to create a feeling of movement, change, and uplifting positivity.

These are the 10 original new age/contemporary classical piano solos in the book/album:

Wintertide, Clarity, Cloud Nine, Heaven’s Vault, Celestial Sphere, Eden’s Gate, Arcadia, Azure Sky, and Afterworld
Jazzed about Christmas by Jerald Simon
Jazzed about Christmas by Jerald Simon
Jazzed about Christmas contains 18 fun and easy to play, teacher friendly Christmas favorites.

The arrangements are for the early intermediate piano student. Each arrangement is in the key of C. The songs are fun and upbeat. The book has lessons that teach students how to jazz up songs using the Christmas favorites as an example
Jazzed about 4th of July by Jerald Simon
Jazzed about 4th of July by Jerald Simon
Jazzed about 4th of July contains 10 fun and teacher friendly patriotic favorites.

The arrangements are for the early intermediate – intermediate piano students. Each arrangement is in the key of C major. The songs are fun and upbeat. The book has lessons that teach students how to jazz up songs using the patriotic favorites as an example.
Sweet Melancholy by Jerald Simon (PDF book)
Sweet Melancholy by Jerald Simon
There are 11 original new age and contemporary classical piano solos composed by Jerald Simon in this book.

Each of these compositions were composed for the intermediate – advanced piano students. These are the titles of the 11 piano pieces:

1. Sweet Melancholy
2. Shadows
3. Majestic
4. Sun Shower
5. Promised Land
6. Blessing
7. Through a Child’s Eyes
8. Life Everlasting
9. New Heights
10. Dreamland
11. Enchantment

This is a single use license.
Triumphant by Jerald Simon
Triumphant by Jerald Simon
Triumphant is a book of inspirational piano solos written by Jerald Simon. Each of the songs are presented in lesson format to help the students learn the theory used to create each song. Each lesson is easy to understand, user friendly, and teach friendly. This is a single use license.
Sea Fever by Jerald Simon
Sea Fever by Jerald Simon
Sea Fever is a book of fun, adventurous piano solos written by Jerald Simon. The book contains 10 original soundtrack-like piano solos inspired by the poem Sea Fever. The piano solos are in a contemporary/classical/soundtrack movie style. Each of the songs are presented in lesson format to help the students learn the theory used to create each song. Each lesson is easy to understand, user friendly, and teach friendly. This is a single use license.
Platinum by Jerald Simon
Platinum by Jerald Simon
Platinum features 17 COOL SONGS from Jerald's COOL SONGS Series that are techno-pop/rock style music sure to motivate teens to want to perform these COOL SONGS for their friends.
Hymns of Exaltation by Jerald Simon
Hymns of Exaltation by Jerald Simon
Hymns of Exaltation contains 8 late intermediate – advanced level hymn arrangements by Jerald Simon from the album Hymns of Exaltation. The 8 hymn arrangements are:

1. For the Beauty of the Earth
2. Be Still My Soul
3. Nearer My God to Thee
4. I Stand All Amazed
5. Abide with Me
6. I Need Thee Every Hour/Lead Kindly Light
7. More Holiness Give Me
8. If You Could Hie to Kolob (also known as I Heard the Voice of Jesus and O Sing a Song of Bethlehem.

Each of the songs are presented in lesson format to help the students learn the theory used to arrange each song. Each lesson is easy to understand, user friendly, and teach friendly. This is a single use license.
An Introduction to Scales and Modes by Jerald Simon
An Introduction to Scales and Modes
Students learn what intervals are, how they are used to create tetra-chords (e.g. C D E F) and how tetra-chords are used to create scales (e.g. the C tetra chord is C D E F combined with the G tetra chord which is G A B C creates the C Major scale). Students learn all of the intervals, primary triad chord progression moving up diatonically (e.g. Major, minor, minor, Major, Major, minor, diminished triad, Major), and all of the seventh chords moving up diatonically according to all of the Major scales in every major key signature (Major seventh, minor seventh, minor seventh, Major seventh, Dominant seventh, minor seventh, minor seventh flat the 5th).
Ghosts and Goblins and Freaks and Ghouls by Jerald Simon
Ghosts and Goblins and Freaks and Ghouls by Jerald Simon (PDF)
I composed all 10 of these cool scary songs as part of my Cool Songs Series. These are the titles of each piano piece from the book. Every single piece comes with three MP3s (all included in your download of the PDF book or Spiral Bound book from this website).

1. Dracula’s Dance
2. The Dragon’s Den of Doom
3. When Sharks ATTACK!
4. Goblin Getaway
5. Darkness
6. Spook
7. Haunted
8. Ghosts and Goblins and Freaks and Ghouls
9. Fortress of Fear
10. Under Siege

This is a single use license.
Jingle Those Bells by Jerald Simon
Jingle Those Bells by Jerald Simon (PDF)
Jingle those Bells contains 7 fun piano solo arrangements of “Jingle Bells” for intermediate to advanced piano students.

The book has lessons that teach students how to jazz up songs using the Christmas favorite as an example.
Variations on Mary Had a Little Lamb by Jerald Simon
Variations on Mary Had a Little Lamb by Jerald Simon (PDF)
In the book are nine arrangements by Jerald Simon of the song Mary Had a Little Lamb. Each one teaches different music styles and how to apply them to other songs. The arrangements are:

1. The original Mary Had a Little Lamb
2. Mary Took Her Lamb to a Swingin’ Jazz Club
3. Mary’s Lamb Had the Blues
4. Mary Took Her Lamb to a 50’s Rock Concert
5. Mary and Her Lamb Live With Indians
6. Mary’s Lamb Starred in a Western
7. Mary and Her Lamb Dance the Waltz
8. Mary’s Lamb Meets Mozart
9. Mary Took Her Lamb to a Funeral

This is a single use license.
Music Motivation® Goal Book by Jerald Simon
The Music Motivation® Goal Book by Jerald Simon
The Music Motivation Goal Book is a weekly lesson assignment book to help motivate music students of all instruments to set and achieve goals for themselves. The book contains the Music Motivation® Mentorship Map written by Jerald Simon, the Music Motivation® Checklist, goal worksheets and 52 weekly lesson assignment pages for the year.
Customer for Life (ALL ACCESS to a ALL PDF books and courses)
Customer for LIFE!
You are the DIE-HARD Music Motivation/Jerald Simon customer and Fan. We want to reward you accordingly. You will have lifetime access to ALL of Jerald's PDF Music Books, Poetry Books, MP3s and online Courses - PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE. You get it ALL! (This does not include private lessons, online group piano lessons, physical products, in person events, or mentoring/mastermind groups).
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief arr. by Jerald Simon
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief arr. by Jerald Simon is a piano solo of a well known hymn for late intermediate - advanced level piano students.
Abide With Me, 'tis Eventide arr. by Jerald Simon
Abide With Me, 'tis Eventide arr. by Jerald Simon is a piano solo of a well known hymn for late intermediate - advanced level piano students.
Did You Think to Pray? arr. by Jerald Simon
Did You Think to Pray? arr. by Jerald Simon is a piano solo of a well known hymn for late intermediate - advanced level piano students.
100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (Studio License PDF download)
100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (Studio License PDF download for piano teachers and their piano studio)
Weekly 30 minute in person or ZOOM piano lessons with Jerald Simon (this is a recurring payment).
$160.00 / month
Weekly 30 minute in person or ZOOM piano lessons with Jerald Simon (this is a recurring payment). $160.00 for the month (for four 30 minute lessons during the month)
Weekly 45 minute in person or ZOOM piano lessons with Jerald Simon (this is a recurring payment).
$240.00 / month
Weekly 45 minute in person or ZOOM piano lessons with Jerald Simon (this is a recurring payment). $240.00 for the month (for four 45 minute lessons during the month)
Weekly 60 minute in person or ZOOM piano lessons with Jerald Simon (this is a recurring payment).
$320.00 / month
Weekly 60 minute in person or ZOOM piano lessons with Jerald Simon (this is a recurring payment). $320.00 for the month (for four 60 minute lessons during the month)
Dreams of the Heart by Jerald Simon
Dreams of the Heart by Jerald Simon features a new age/contemporary classical piano solo for late intermediate level piano students.
Essential Piano Teachers Lifetime Studio License (PDF books, courses, videos, etc.) - Latest
Essential Piano Teachers Lifetime Studio License
This includes the Essential Piano Exercises and COOL SONGS PDF Series/Courses by Music Mentor Jerald Simon and 30+ PDF books (all studio licensed for piano teachers)! Buy once for a special pricing of $169.97 and print out the music for the students in your piano studio for life. It also includes every future PDF books or online course Jerald creates during his entire life. (This does not include private lessons, online group piano lessons, physical products, in person events, or mentoring/mastermind groups).
Adventure Awaits by Jerald Simon (single use license)
Adventure Awaits by Jerald Simon is a fun piano solo for intermediate level piano students in the key of C minor. This is a single use license.
Adventure Awaits by Jerald Simon (studio license)
Adventure Awaits by Jerald Simon is a fun piano solo for intermediate level piano students in the key of C minor. This is a lifetime studio license for piano teachers.
Onward by Jerald Simon (single use license)
Onward by Jerald Simon is a fun piano solo for intermediate level piano students in the key of C major. This is a single use license.
Onward by Jerald Simon (studio license)
Onward by Jerald Simon is a fun piano solo for intermediate level piano students in the key of C Major. This is a lifetime studio license for piano teachers.
The Forgotten Battle by Jerald Simon (single use license)
The Forgotten Battle is an intermediate level piano solo in the key of C minor featuring various octave intervals moving up and down the piano. You'll have FUN playing this piano solo!
The Forgotten Battle by Jerald Simon (lifetime studio license)
The Forgotten Battle is an intermediate level piano solo in the key of C minor featuring various octave intervals moving up and down the piano. You'll have FUN playing this piano solo!
Adventure Awaits by Jerald Simon (PDF book - single use license)
In “Adventure Awaits,” Simon has composed 13 new original intermediate level piano solos that range in style from contemporary, classical, and new age, to a cinematic, score-like sound, intermixed with pop and rock elements, rhythms, themes, and characteristics. With titles such as: “Adventure Awaits,” “The Journey,” “Forward March,” “Dreams of the Heart,” “Onward,” “The Forgotten Battle,” “Let the Games Begin,” and more, piano students are captivated by the melodious and harmonious adventure filled themes.
Adventure Awaits by Jerald Simon (Spiral Bound book)
In “Adventure Awaits,” Simon has composed 13 new original intermediate level piano solos that range in style from contemporary, classical, and new age, to a cinematic, score-like sound, intermixed with pop and rock elements, rhythms, themes, and characteristics. With titles such as: “Adventure Awaits,” “The Journey,” “Forward March,” “Dreams of the Heart,” “Onward,” “The Forgotten Battle,” “Let the Games Begin,” and more, piano students are captivated by the melodious and harmonious adventure filled themes.
Sweet Melancholy by Jerald Simon (Spiral Bound book)
There are 11 original new age and contemporary classical piano solos composed by Jerald Simon in this book.

Each of these compositions were composed for the intermediate – advanced piano students. These are the titles of the 11 piano pieces:

1. Sweet Melancholy
2. Shadows
3. Majestic
4. Sun Shower
5. Promised Land
6. Blessing
7. Through a Child’s Eyes
8. Life Everlasting
9. New Heights
10. Dreamland
11. Enchantment

This is a spiral bound book.
100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (Spiral Bound Book)
100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon teaches piano players of all ages and skill level how to play the same song 100 different ways. Jerald teaches you 100 left hand patterns and includes 100 songs in Fake Book format to help you learn how to play the same song at least 100 different ways.
Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (Spiral Bound Book)
Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon features original new age piano music composed by Jerald Simon with new age exercises to help piano students learn how to play new age music and even compose new age music of their own.
Essential Jazz Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (Spiral Bound Book))
Essential Jazz Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon features original jazz music composed by Jerald Simon and piano exercises to help piano players learn how to play jazz, blues, boogie-woogie, modal jazz, and how to improvise and compose in a jazz style.
Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (Spiral Bound Book)
Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon features essential piano exercises like intervals, scales, chords (triads, 6th, 7th, and octave chords in all inversions) in all key signatures. Students practice playing three and four note chords and chord progressions in all key signatures and positions/inversions.
I Want to Do What Jesus Taught by Jerald Simon - Spiral Bound Book
I Want to Do What Jesus Taught by Jerald Simon - Spiral Bound Book features 40 original children's primary songs (music and lyrics) by Jerald Simon. These children's songs were composed for children, to teach them religious principles and values centered on Jesus Christ and our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
Wintertide by Jerald Simon - (Spiral Bound Book)
Wintertide by Jerald Simon features 10 original advanced piano solos composed by Jerald Simon. In this book are 10 original new age/contemporary classical piano solos for advanced piano students. These pieces were composed to express the movement of wintertime across the piano keys. Most of the pieces range all over the piano keys in various key signatures.
Castles in the Sky by Jerald Simon (Spiral Bound Book)
Castles in the Sky by Jerald Simon. “Castles in the Sky” is an instrumental relaxation album/book by composer Jerald Simon that he specifically composed to reduce stress and anxiety while calming and comforting listeners. This soothing instrumental music helps bring feelings of peace and positivity.
Hymns of Exaltation (Spiral Bound Book) by Jerald Simon
In “Hymns of Exaltation,” Simon has arranged 8 well known and loved hymns for late intermediate - advanced levels that range in style from contemporary, classical, and new age, to a cinematic, score-like sound.
Peace and Serenity by Jerald Simon - (Spiral Bound Book)
Peace and Serenity by Jerald Simon is book of 10 original new age compositions composed to reduce stress and anxiety. It is a must have book for all piano players – especially for those interested in playing new age music.
Triumphant by Jerald Simon (Spiral Bound Book)
Triumphant is a book of inspirational piano solos written by Jerald Simon. Each of the songs are presented in lesson format to help the students learn the theory used to create each song. Each lesson is easy to understand, user friendly, and teach friendly. This is a single use license.
Sea Fever by Jerald Simon (Spiral Bound Book)
Sea Fever is a book of fun, adventurous piano solos written by Jerald Simon. The book contains 10 original soundtrack-like piano solos inspired by the poem Sea Fever. The piano solos are in a contemporary/classical/soundtrack movie style. Each of the songs are presented in lesson format to help the students learn the theory used to create each song. Each lesson is easy to understand, user friendly, and teach friendly. This is a single use license.
Platinum by Jerald Simon (Spiral Bound Book)
Platinum features 17 COOL SONGS from Jerald's COOL SONGS Series that are techno-pop/rock style music sure to motivate teens to want to perform these COOL SONGS for their friends.
Christmas Piano Music Bundle by Jerald Simon
Buy all of Jerald's Christmas piano music as PDF downloads for one low price.
Jazzed about Christmas (STUDIO LICENSE) for Piano Teachers
Buy the Piano Teacher's Lifetime Studio License for Jazzed about Christmas.
Jingle Those Bells (STUDIO LICENSE) for Piano Teachers (PDF)
Buy the Piano Teacher's Lifetime Studio License for Jingle Those Bells (PDF book).
Empowered by Positivity (Who Are You? Course) by Jerald Simon (for Teens)
Empowered by Positivity Life Skills Course by Jerald Simon is an 8 week course where Jerald helps individuals "Become who they were born to BE!" It is about being better today than we were yesterday and continually striving to be our best in everything we do.
Beginning Gardening Course with Jerald Simon
An in person course taught by Jerald Simon about gardening for beginners.
Beginning Gardening Course with Jerald Simon (Family Package)
Learn the basics of gardening with Jerald Simon (for the entire family).
Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (PDF Book)
Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know is a book everyone can use to improve their understanding of POP basics
Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon (Studio License)
Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know is a book everyone can use to improve their understanding of POP basics
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (Primer Level) - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (Primer Level) - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (1) - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (1) - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (2) - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (2) - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (3) - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Cool Songs for Cool Kids (3) - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Cool Songs that ROCK! (1) - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Cool Songs that ROCK! (1) - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Essential Piano Exercises - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Essential Piano Exercises - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Essential JAZZ Piano Exercises - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Essential JAZZ Piano Exercises - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Essential NEW AGE Piano Exercises - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Essential NEW AGE Piano Exercises - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Wintertide - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Wintertide - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Castles in the Sky - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Castles in the Sky - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Peace and Serenity - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Peace and Serenity - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Sweet Melancholy - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Sweet Melancholy - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Triumphant - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Triumphant - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Sea Fever - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Sea Fever - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Platinum - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Platinum - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Hymns of Exaltation - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Hymns of Exaltation - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
I Want to Do What Jesus Taught - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
I Want to Do What Jesus Taught - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
An Introduction to Scales and Modes - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
An Introduction to Scales and Modes - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Ghosts and Goblins and Freaks and Ghouls - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Ghosts and Goblins and Freaks and Ghouls - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Jazzed about 4th of July - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Jazzed about 4th of July - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Variations on Mary Had a Little Lamb - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Variations on Mary Had a Little Lamb - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Music Motivation Goal Book - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Music Motivation Goal Book - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Adventure Awaits by Jerald Simon (PDF book - STUDIO LICENSE)
Adventure Awaits - STUDIO LICENSE - for piano teachers
Christmas Piano Music Bundle by Jerald Simon - Studio License
Buy all of Jerald's Christmas piano music as PDF downloads for one low price.
Weekly Online Group Piano Teacher Lessons
Free for 1 week then $49.95 / month
Piano teachers will learn how to teach music theory, improvisation, and composition.

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Become Who You Were Born to Be!

  • ​Theory Therapy: (learn music theory the fun way).
  • ​Innovative Improvisation: (learn how to play the same song 100 different ways).
  • ​Creative Composition: (learn how to compose music of your own).
  • Weekly Online Group Piano Lessons: (visit to learn about Jerald's weekly online Group Piano Lessons).
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